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Are drones allowed on Mackinac Island?

[Note: Permission is needed from both the City of Mackinac Island and Mackinac State Historic Parks to operate a drone on Mackinac Island.] Some of the most striking photographs of Mackinac Island’s gorgeous landscape have been taken from above, by helicopter, plane and even drone. However, drones…

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Mackinac Island Stories from the Past: Lover's Leap

As the story of Lover's Leap goes, a young woman sat atop the cliff, eagerly awaiting the return of her lover. He had gone with the tribe’s other warriors into battle to prove he was worthy of marrying her. Each day she trained her eyes on the horizon looking for any sign of him. One day, the…

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3 Lesser Known Landmarks in Mackinac Island State Park

When one thinks of the natural attractions on Mackinac Island, the mind immediately jumps to Arch Rock or Sugar Loaf or Devil’s Kitchen. And deservedly so. These are great natural wonders that are easy to find and make prime selfie spots. But they aren’t the only natural attractions on Mackinac…

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Birding on Mackinac Island

If you take a moment and stand still on Mackinac Island, you’ll probably hear a variety of sounds. The sound of Mackinac Island horses clip-clopping by. The sound of Mackinac Island bicycles whizzing past. The sound of a cannon firing from Fort Mackinac. The sound of water lapping up against the…

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10½ Mackinac Island Fun Facts

It seems no matter how many times you visit Mackinac Island, there is always something new to learn, some legend to hear, some history to experience. Here are 10 ½ fun facts about your favorite Michigan Island: MACKINAC ISLAND IS HOME TO THE LARGEST LILAC TREE IN MICHIGAN Lilac trees aren’t native…

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Mackinac Island Pioneers: The story of ‘The Chaplain’s Lady’

Of the three historic cemeteries on Mackinac Island, one is a military burial ground with graves that go back more than 200 years. Both British and American troops have been laid to rest at the Fort Mackinac Post Cemetery, but not every body in the ground belonged to a soldier. If you walk to one…

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Have you heard of Mackinac Falls?

Mackinac Falls must have been quite a sight, just like today’s Arch Rock. Mackinac Island’s most photographed natural wonder stands some 140 feet above Lake Huron and forms a perfect picture frame with its magnificent limestone arch. But about a mile east of Arch Rock, there’s an even more…

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Summer jobs on Mackinac Island: Why college students love them

You could work this summer as a golf shop attendant anywhere. Or you could work as a golf shop attendant at Mackinac Island's historic Wawashkamo Golf Club, a 125-year-old course built on a battleground where British and American soldiers fought during the War of 1812. You could work this summer as…

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Maps of Mackinac Island

While there’s no road map to car-free Mackinac Island, the official Mackinac Island Tourism Bureau web site has lots of resources to help you map out your visit. Literally, you can find actual maps in the Mackinac Island Guides & Maps: Download Directory. Whether you’re plotting routes for a hike…

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5 Types of Dads Who Love Mackinac Island

Mackinac Island can be a lot of different things to a lot of different people. A relaxing escape from the busyness of the day-to-day-routine. An adventure to a mystical place full of history and charm. A foodie's fantasy. A hiker's paradise. A bicyclist's dream. This is no different for all the…

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