Seasonal Jobs on Mackinac Island, MI - Mackinac Island Tourism Bureau


Work at one of the most historic and serene places on earth. Apply for a variety of  positions on Mackinac Island like a kayak tour guide, bartender, front desk manager, retail worker, historical interpreter, horse-drawn carriage driver, lifeguard, golf course manager, and more!

To apply for a job on Mackinac Island:

  1. Apply through the link below. This goes to a general applicant pool for our employers to have as a resource.
  2. Visit and follow our Facebook Page: Mackinac Island Job Posting Page for real-time job openings and details.
  3. Reach out to businesses directly. Here is a link to all of the businesses on the Island including contact information. The best thing you can do is call or email them directly.

Housing and meal plans vary by employer and many shops and restaurants offer an Island worker discount. For specific information about housing and meal plans, contact employers directly.

If you have general questions about working on Mackinac Island, give our office a call at 906-847-3783.

Need more reasons to work on Mackinac Island? Read this blog post to see why working on Mackinac Island is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and apply today!

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