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What to do with your tax refund: Book a Mackinac Island escape

Yay! It's tax season and, hopefully, you've got a big fat refund coming your way. In fact, nearly eight in 10 people receive a federal income tax refund each year, with the average amount around $3,000. That's a nice chunk of change! There's no shortage of ways to spend that money, of course. Maybe…

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Who governs Mackinac Island? America's longest-serving mayor

Few places have experienced the continuity of leadership that Mackinac Island has enjoyed over the past half-century. It was way back in 1975 that Margaret Doud was first elected mayor of Mackinac Island. Now, five decades later, Doud is the longest-serving mayor in America. Worldwide, only a few…

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Historic women of Mackinac Island

With old forts, gorgeous Victorian architecture and a horse-drawn culture, Mackinac Island is steeped in history. Names of influential men including Jacques Marquette, Edward Biddle, Charles O'Malley, Rome Murdick and Harry Ryba may come to mind. But did you know that much of Mackinac Island history…

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5 Types of Dads Who Love Mackinac Island

Mackinac Island can be a lot of different things to a lot of different people. A relaxing escape from the busyness of the day-to-day-routine. An adventure to a mystical place full of history and charm. A foodie's fantasy. A hiker's paradise. A bicyclist's dream. This is no different for all the…

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Abraham Lincoln’s ironic link to Mackinac Island

When the United States celebrates Washington’s Birthday each February, there’s a special significance for Mackinac Island. After all, it was during George Washington’s presidency that the British agreed to relinquish control of Fort Mackinac. That was more than a decade after the end of the…

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Mackinac Island scout tradition goes back to Gerald R. Ford

Each morning during the summer, like clockwork, about two dozen American flags are raised across Mackinac Island. First comes a 9:40 a.m. cannon blast at Fort Mackinac, then the Stars and Stripes go up around the fort, in town and at several other locations. About nine hours later, at 6:30 p.m., the…

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Best spots for stargazing on Mackinac Island

Among the many perks of spending the night on Mackinac Island is the opportunity to watch the sunset after the last ferry boat departs for the night. To see the sunrise before the first ferry arrives in the morning. And, of course, to enjoy Mackinac Island nightlife in the bars and restaurants with…

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Fort Mackinac's Dungeon: ‘Black Hole’ remains today

Albert Einstein conceived of the possibility more than a century ago and astronomers now have photographed one for the first time. Yet, it was physicist John Wheeler who coined the term "black hole." What a great way to describe a part of outer space so dense that nothing – not even light – can…

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Presidents who have visited Mackinac Island

Did you know there's a "White House" on Mackinac Island? No, not that White House. The white house we're talking about is the Michigan Governor's Summer Residence, a historic home that you can tour for free during your visit to Mackinac Island - so long as the governor isn't staying in it! While…

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3 Memorable Mackinac Island Biking Adventures

The breeze in your face. Adrenaline pumping through your heart. The breathtaking beauty of the scenery. Biking isn't just a way of getting around on Mackinac Island, from point A to point B. It's an activity to experience and enjoy. An adventure that taps into your emotions as you explore one of the…

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