The Day 'Superman' Showed Up on Mackinac Island
While Reeve was on Mackinac Island in 1979 to film “Somewhere in Time,” he happened to visit the theatre at Mission Point Resort where a certain blockbuster was being shown: The original “Superman” movie that debuted the previous year. It must have been quite a thrill for the people in the theatre to watch the movie with the star sitting next to them. Unfortunately, partway through the film the sound went out. What happened next must have been truly surreal. As the movie continued to play, Reeve stood and filled in for the audio himself! “This is one of those legends in our company history that has been validated by a few people over the years,” said J.D. Loeks, whose family runs Celebration Cinemas! in Michigan and has visited Mackinac Island for decades. “The pieces that we’ve put together that we know are true is they did screen ‘Superman’ at the same time that Christopher Reeve was on the island filming ‘Somewhere in Time,’ and he was in the auditorium watching ‘Superman’ with the island staff. The story is that the sound went out for a minute and Christopher Reeve stood up and recited a line before the sound came back in.”
Where to Find Where 'Superman' Sat on Mackinac Island
While the historic Mission Point Theatre is forever linked to “Superman” thanks to Reeve’s impromptu performance, it also is featured in “Somewhere in Time.” In fact, one of the 550 seats in the theatre bears a plaque identifying it as the place where Reeve’s character, Richard Collier, sat during one of the film’s climactic moments. You can visit the theatre and sit in the seat during Mackinac Island Arts Council movie screenings held weekly on Sunday afternoons and Tuesday nights.
Mackinac Island's Somewhere in Time Gazebo
The Mission Point Theatre is one of many Mackinac Island landmarks linked to “Somewhere in Time.” You also can visit the . And you can see the “Is It You?” marker near the waterfront on the west side of Mackinac Island, where Reeve’s Collier first came face to face with the character played by Jane Seymour after he traveled back in time.

Somewhere in Time Weekends on Mackinac Island
While Reeve passed away in 2004, his legacy and legend live on at Mission Point Theatre and throughout Mackinac Island. Seymour still visits from time to time for annual “Somewhere In Time” Weekends at Grand Hotel, another Mackinac Island landmark featured in the film. It’s where Reeve’s character stayed while escaping the city for a break from his work as a playwright.